Warranty Requirements*
TeleCheck will reimburse Subscriber/Company for one Item, up to the Warranty Maximum, per Warranty Service Business Transaction (WSBT), which meets all of the following applicable requirements, and Subscriber/Company represents and warrants with respect to all Warranty Service Business Transactions submitted to TeleCheck for processing under this Agreement the following applicable representations:
- The check must be a first party check drawn on a United States, Canadian, Puerto Rican or U.S. Virgin Islands financial institution and must be made payable to Subscriber/Company. The name of the individual or company must be imprinted or typed on the check by the check manufacturer. If P.O. Box is used or address is not imprinted by the check manufacturer,a physical address description must be written on the check according to Operational Procedures;
- Subscriber/Company received a completely filled out paper check from the consumer;
- Subscriber/Company shall have made an inquiry to TeleCheck in strict accordance with Operational Procedures and Subscriber/Company must have obtained a TeleCheck Approval Code;
- Substitute check submissions must comply with the requirements of the Check 21 Act and Regulation CC, including, but not limited to, conformance to the American National Standard Specifications for an Image Replacement Document and inclusion of the Check 21 legend. Note: A photocopy of a check or a photocopy of an image replacement document (IRD) does not meet these standards.
- TeleCheck Subscriber Number, check writer’s telephone number (including area code), a physical address description, identification type and number, and TeleCheck Approval Code must all be printed or written on the check for the WSBT;
- The WSBT is an obligation of the person that presented it as payment. The Item was for merchandise sold or rented or services rendered and is for the actual price or rental cost,** as the case may be for such merchandise and/ or services (including tax and shipping) and does not involve any element of credit for any purpose.
- The signature and physical description of the check writer or consumer on the check must reasonably correspond to any signature and description contained in the piece of identification;
- The signature in the signature block on the check must not be substantially different from the name imprinted on the check;
- The date of the check must accurately coincide with the date of the inquiry call to TeleCheck and the date the transaction actually occurred (no pre- or post-dated checks unless expressly permitted by contract)
- The amount of the check entered into the TeleCheck system and the amount shown in words and figures on the check must all agree exactly;
- The paper check must have been deposited in Subscriber’s/Companies financial institution account and received by TeleCheck for purchase within thirty (30) days*** of the date of the check;
- Subscriber/Company must have contacted TeleCheck for a single TeleCheck Approval Code on only one check per WSBT;
- The submitted check is a personal check and not a business check;
- Subscriber/Company has no reason to question or have notice of any fact, circumstance or defense which would impair the validity or collectability of the consumer’s obligation or relieve the consumer from liability.
*Requirements may differ based on contractual terms, in which case, contractual warranty requirements and TeleCheck Operational Procedures will control. This form is not to be used to submit third-party checks for warranty.
**Cash back amounts are part of WSBT total if cash back indicator code was submitted with POS acceptance request.
***Forty-five (45) days for products such as Mail Order, Check on Delivery (COD) and Single or Multiple Hold Check as contractually specified.
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