Merchants who subscribe to Clover Check Acceptance By Mail/Drop Box service are required to Amend the language found below to your statement or invoice.
You are required to post the State Return Check Fee found below.
You are required to amend your statement or invoice with the language below.
“When you provide a check as payment [can insert optional text] you authorize us to use information from your check to process a one-time Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or a draft drawn from your account, or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an EFT, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment, and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. If your payment is returned unpaid, you authorize the collection of your payment and a return fee of $_________ by EFT(s) or draft(s) drawn from your account.”
*Optional Text – some merchants insert the words, “and choose not to exercise your right to Opt-Out, as specified below"